Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The 28 Year Conspiracy

That title sounds like a John Grisham New York Times Bestseller, hahahahaha! (I'm on a Grisham reading rampage, y'all.)

But before I get too lazy or too busy to do this…


I just want to say that I truly acknowledge how lucky I am to be alive, kicking or passed out. =)

When I was young, I considered 28 to be the PRIME age. Hypothetically, it would be the time (at least in my 8year old mindframe) where I would have a stable albeit “not-as-high-as-I’d-have-imagined”-paying job, an amazing husband, and the concrete plans to begin a family albeit I kinda got ahead of myself with that last one. And I dunno if I can stress this piece of knowledge enough but it’s true: If you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. That’s some real Paulo Coelho factual shit. Like your mind and body and decisions albeit some are helluh stupid (and I’m totally using “albeit” as my new word of the day ‘cause it’s so much fun to do that) --- they all sort of gear towards that unconscious “heart’s desire” burning within you. So even if it seemed like I was taking all these wrong turns in my life, I guess I can now say, unapologetically and without reservation, I simply decided to take the scenic route when it came to living.

And so here I am, 28 and I still can’t wipe the stupid smile off my face whenever I think about how I spent my last day as a 27-year old, passed out drunk and stoned out of my frikkin’ mind, lying in an absolute coma on the sofa at the club after a blurry trip to the bathroom, throwing up on my sister’s shoes as well as beside our table full of alcohol and bouncers carrying me and my lovely lovely friends using me as a “coat rack” whilst I slept peacefully during my husband’s set which I completely missed, like straight out of The Hangover and after only seeing a few photos, I knew the night was an epic one. Pictures of lastnight/ended up online/I’m screwed/oh well/It’s a blacktop blur/but I’m pretty sure it ruled. And in true GG Marquez, allow-me-to-wax-poetic type fashion, I guess I just wanted to sleep after a long 27 years and wake up knowing that I have the most amazing family and awesomest friends God could’ve given anybody… and knowing (and finally accepting), that I too, was a blessing to others. Even if it took me all morning and afternoon to nurse my raging hangover so I can properly greet my 28th birthday (with nothing less than a Jagerbomb, thanks to a husband who knows me so well… and doesn’t care that I was drunk barely 24hours  before, we are taking a shot!)

You know Michelle and her sisters, if you didn't know them, you'd think they're your typical "Makati" like girls that you would stereotype as just being pretty and having things handed to them because of the way they look. But they're so down to Earth, and have depth and personality. ---- To Ruth and her husband Anthony… thank you for giving me a chance to show you how good a friend I can be and for allowing me to welcome you to the wonderful world of my family. (And yeah, I should totally work for the Department of Tourism, get this place some REAL money and bring our Fil-Americans back home =)

I think that’s the best gift anyone could receive… to realize how much your life has impacted others, to be an inspiration and a blessing to others. And how by it is through giving… that selfless giving of your true (fun, quirky, happy, and unabashedly crazy) self that you receive. To have people say, “God we love the Callanta sisters!” or say, “You and Pao are such an awesome couple.” or “You’re Psyche’s mom, right?” as if she was making adult friends all on her own ---- it’s got my heart bursting with such fruity bubblegum flavor.

I feel absolutely loved.

So here’s to being 28 albeit I don’t look it and to everyone who’s made My Life. So. Much. Better.

PS. To those who made it out last Friday (you know who you are), I know you're gonna be putting up pictures of me looking like a hot mess, just make sure I still look somewhat good in them and to those who weren't able to make it, like my sister Roni says, "It's Ate Michelle's birthday EVERYDAY" so I'm pretty sure I'll be seeing you all around. Thanks also to those who came out Saturday to Robot and to my Irie Sunday favorites, the Misc boys and our newfound Singaporean friends (Masia One, I crush you so bad), thank you thank you for making my birthday weekend a most memorable one.

To my husband who made it all possible. You're the real game-changer, Waffle.

To my daughter, Psyche, who just came from a terrible flu... I totally owe you a party, babe. I know you were anticipating to go to one.

And to God... for conspiring with the universe.


  1. Ahh if I wasn't STILL unpacking i woul be hellah commenting.. :) we adore u sober, drunk, emo, and passed out!

  2. ryan gosling, the bird and the bee, one on one = sweet dreams. *winks*

  3. awww thanks!!! that just makes me realize how truly "well-rounded" of a person i am, hahahahaha!!!

    amishu already babe.
