Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I think I found the secret to a good day.


Waking up early.

Uhm yes, preferably sleeping early as well.

Like waking up an hour, hour and a half before you're supposed to get ready. (Although in my case, today, I've been awake since 2 in the morning... but only because I was asleep by 10pm (out of sheer laziness to do anything else except get back to reading the Iliad ---seriously, I find the Trojans way hotter than the Greeks---, straight killing it at Kirby on my DS and... lack of cable).

Also because I was jolted into consciousness when I found Paolo wasn't sleeping soundly beside me yet (he was supposed to be home by 12 from practice *ahem*)... I gave him 30mins. before I miss-called his ass for an explanation of his whereabouts... only to find that he was just downstairs eating whilst watching Family Guy. (I like to keep tabs like that.)

Then it was 2-hours of playing some more Kirby and tossing and turning until finally, I just gave in, got up, and decided to fix my shirt drawers. (Because I find fixing my clothes are never a waste of time.) So by 5am, I was up folding clothes and I even managed to make a little do-it-youself 80s flashdance shirt by cutting it up (I learned it on youtube). Which explains today's ensemble.

But that's really not the point I'm trying to make (even if I did come up with a cute-looking outfit).

I was able to make ham and egg sandwiches for both me and Pao to bring to work as well as breakfast for Psyche WHILST listening to nothing but JANET on my iPod.

Took a bath.

Woke up the fiance.

Rode the MRT to work (hell yes, AGAINST the mad rush of people due south). Then the jeep. Then power walked on over to the office. Nay, "bounced" (try walking whilst listening to Missy Elliot's "For My People" and you'll know what I'm talking about).

But I still haven't gotten to my point.

So... ok, you know about how walking (or exercise in general) helps you release endorphins, those mood-enhancing enzymes that make you feel awesome? Well, waking up early enough to be able to walk to work does just that... as opposed to waking up 30mins. before you're supposed to be at the office, jump in the car, drive like a crazy person, and scream to yourself things like "Ay por favor, drive with a purpose!" or "Hurry the f*ck up, man!" or some other dumb sh*t like that... with the windows closed, of course. I mean, you wouldn't wanna offend anybody so early in the morning. People get shot for sh*t like that.

That's one.

Oh and yeah. Being able to chill (chillax, hahahaha! I use the hideous term loosely), drink ginger tea, cook eggs (with that Magic ginisa mix for once), prepare food for those you love...

I swear, it's absolutely fulfilling.

And though it's probably nothing like the kind of fulfillment you'd get from building a home for the homeless or knowing that the kidney you donated will save the person who will one day find a cure for herpes...

It just helps to know that you can take your time living... despite the demands of the day.

Nah mean? =P

Ok enough with this drama, I'm falling asleep.

(Is it lunch yet? I wanna eat my sandwich.)


  1. Thank you for the sammich. Twas delicious :) Let's have a toast to you and your kind, the morning people. Those of whom I will never be :D

  2. for reals... I second the waking up early thing :) we mommas do more than most people by 7am

  3. you suck in the morning... unless there are waffles. =P

  4. i gotta wake up earlier more often... if i can be awake by 6am, i'm good. i just have to NOT get drunk the night before, hahaha! (i totally typed GET DRUNK, like WTF)

    you coming to our wedding next year yeah? i'll send you a postcard. =)

  5. I've been trying to be a morning person for the last 7 months now. Hahahaha! And everytime I successfully wake up at 6am, chop up the garlic for them fried rice, watch Nat Geo and the Food Channel, I find myself drowsy drunk by 10am. Hahaha. I used to do 6am broadcasts for years, and there really is something so romantic about the morning routine. And morning commutes always make me sentimental. :)

  6. see the beauty of my work is that if i get to work early, i get to leave early... so i'm basically trying to get the hell outta here by 5pm, WALK to the mrt while there's still light out, go up the elevator, stop 3-5 floors ahead, and climb the rest of the way. (my newfangled ambitious exercise routine, hahahaha)

    if you wanna do a 6am, it should be lights out by 10pm. (isn't that regressing back to gradeschool?)

    speaking of romance, shoot na tayo sa sunday. hahahaha! (mika will be here. =)

  7. ill be there for sure!!!!!!!!!!! ho0lding ur train and all :)

  8. AWWWWWWWWWWW.... whilst holding a bottle of goose!!! hahaha!
