Makes me wanna just get up on outta here and go home to watch Law & Order reruns.
And can I just say that TACT is a fucking SKILL!!! Seriously.
Hay whatever. And for times like these, I wanna call up my college bestfriend and ask her out. I need a change of scenery. Familiarity is beginning to breed contempt.
(An hour after posting the aforementioned)
Now I get why our CEO put a feng-shui "treasure bowl" on MY desk. According to her, the west (where my desk is) is a place of prosperity. But since I'm facing the east (where all the bad juju is due to "the killing star," I have to repel it... with a bowl. of treasure.)
Obviously, the annoying people are from the east.
(the ox and the pail I got a couple of years ago. it's supposed to bring you financial fortune)
In lighter news, Jollibee allowed a lucky few from the media to try out their new Choco Crumble Sundae yesterday at the Blue Water Day Spa. (They're available today, y'all.)
Maybe I'll go grab one later cuz I sure as hell need me a pick-me-upper and nothing beats bad juju than icecream with a bit of coffee and peanut butter syrup, cookies, peanuts, and my Lord, brownies. *melts*
Reminds me of my favorite Baskin Robbins' flavor MAUI BROWNIE MADNESS. *giggles*
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