Sunday, March 13, 2011

What's in a name...?

That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet...



I have to start practicing how to write my new signature with my new last name.

And today, it was decided that I would hyphenate my last name only for work purposes: article by-line, calling cards, media invites... anything career-related... as my Callanta identity should remain intact.

All the other legal document stuff, I'll gladly stick with a middle initial.


My cursive sucks balls. I gotta figure out a way to seamlessly connect Michelle with Toledo without lifting the pen.

Practice starts tonight. =P


  1. whoa weird just saw this now. =)

    practice... has been delayed. (still a procrastinator =)... ok later, i'll whip out a notebook and start "doodling" hehe...

    (ayan tuloy nahiya naman ako, i'm gonna start now. hahahah)
