Tuesday, March 29, 2011



A place I don't have to clean up after, a fridge full of alkie, my crazy sisters, my down-to-get-smashed friends (ruth and dianna, I have yet to have the pleasure =), with the addition of my official drinking buddy, my husband... and that party jenga drinking game.

Lest I forget. But it's been a while since I've had one of those crazy house parties... except you don't have it at your house. =)


  1. I want one of those too. Any drinking I've been having lately is with newly-turned-attorney friends fresh (not really fresh) from work in their barongs and dresses, talking about firms and clients. They've developed a lawyer/politician ninong accent along the way. Parang gusto pa nila kong bigyan ng pera when I talk about my photography bwahahaha! (Hey, everyone has at least one starving artist friend right?) Let's wreak havoc at work. Hahahaha. Text me when your next recording is.

  2. Recording is saturday night 9-11pm maybe. Hahahaha, i'm kinda scared for the studio... i mean what if we get really smashed???!!!! There's a reason why they don't normally allow drinking in the booth.

    Oh well. =P

    Pao had to spin for this law firm his atenean schoolmate worked at... it was so... weird. I just sat there and raided the open bar. But yeah, lawyers have this air about them... like they have sticks up their asses or something. =P (dude, take their money, they make lots of it, hahaha!)
