Sunday, December 11, 2011

Why I love... Psyche's protective nature

As a parent, you're never quite sure what advice to give your kids when people treat them badly or say mean things to them. Sure there's the whole "just ignore em, be the bigger, more understanding bit" or "just punch em in the face"... alas... I am a mother who believes in the power of discourse... and just really good comebacks.


Her cousins called her disgusting once... for eating something, I'm not sure. They're not the nicest of kids either. So I told her, anyone who says nasty things about her to comeback by simply saying, "Well you have an ugly personality."


Like literally, she should snap her fingers and her head and just dust her shoulders off cuz people who talk shit... ARE SHIT. and only shit talkers have a very dirty "inside." Then again, what do I know, I'm a shit-talker too, not gonna deny it, but at least... I get the last word and what I say is TRUTH.


Despite my love for intelligent discourse... my daughter seems to have another type of comeback in mind albeit a more gruesome and violent one.

Ain't nothing like the power of self-defense, y'all. =P

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