Thursday, December 8, 2011

Why I love... my interns.

A lot of them are just pains in the *ss who you end up helping more than they help you. Sometimes, it almost seems like you take em in just to baby-sit them until their 150hours are up. But then there are a few who you end up "baby-ing" and nurturing... so that when they leave, you know happiness and success will follow them.

And you can only hope that they remember you when you see them around, doing their own thing, becoming little bosses themselves...

And smile when they do. Because at least you know you didn't completely f*ck up these children's futures by making them do stupid, non work-related things like [stalking my ex's ex-girlfriends and harassing them online]... on top of the more serious magazine work stuff too. *smiles innocently*

Today... is a testament of that love (and the whole not completely f*cking them up bit).

My former intern Ninya's blog:

PS. Ninya, I still have you and Chad's picture on my corkboard. *hugs* Oh and... it's not lifestyle editor, it's ASSOCIATE EDITOR. Tell your stupid robot to get it right. Hahahaha!


  1. HAHAHAHA!!! noted :) thanks michelle!! i miss you, chad and our "harassing" moments! :)

  2. eh kasi nga naman... mas maganda ako dibaaaaaah??? (agree or else i'll fail you. hahahaha)

    miss you too. hope you're well... and not getting your interns to harass people for you, hahaha!
