Thursday, December 1, 2011

Barbie and makeup and why daughters are fun.

The best kind of bonding ever...

And in all honesty, aside from all the Kiehl's anti-wrinkle stuff I put on my face... it's Psyche who keeps me young. And I remember how I'm not just her mother. I'm her friend. And real friends play "wedding party/reception barbie with robin thicke playing in the background" and put makeup on... even if they have nowhere to go.



  1. Oh how lovely. Next time I'm at the hair salon, I'mma ask for "The Psyche." :)

  2. Hahahahaha! Her hair is in limbo right now aka that awkward phase where she's trying to grow it out and it just looks weird. we have this thing where I "pretend" to cut her hair and put makeup on her (she calls it "the makeup salon like 'mommy, can you do the makeup salon on me?'"--- it's amazing how beautiful she feels after just using my fingers as a brush (and scissors) and my palm as a makeup palette.

    I thought she deserved the real thing that day. =)

  3. Oh Michelle, that is so beautiful. :)

  4. and that ritual is inspired by the movie Mulan (that part where she had to get ready for the matchmaker). after the makeup, there's even a part where I "pretend" to put "invisible" jewelry on her WHILST SINGING "beads of jade for beauty... you must proudly shoooooow!!!" and I raise her chin up so she can be "proud."

    I swear, little girls are so fun. I don't know when we stopped feeling that way as we grew older.
