Sunday, November 14, 2010


This morning...

Pao and I paid the reservation fee for our new condo.

*beams proudly*


And now... it all makes sense...

All the money I never thought to spend... (that never really quite hurt me not to spend), living like a pseudo-self-fated pauper of sorts... is beginning to reap its latent benefits.

And that downpayment? Doesn't hurt me to pay ONE. BIT.

But I'm thankful for my dad and Paolo for helping me to achieve this dream of having a home for me and psyche. I wanted to be an underpaid writer and a semi hands-on mother. I wanted my cake and to eat it too. I wanted my time, my freedom, my dream to be a writer for my company, a teacher and friend to my baby, a lover and cook and confidant to my partner. There are only so few opportunities that let you have ALL of that.

For letting me have this... no matter how impractical and immature it is... I am truly truly blessed.


  1. good for you :) keep it up, more blessings to come :)

  2. I've always wanted to be an overpaid writer with a kitchen like Nigella Lawson's. Haha.

    What a beautiful day to be young and alive and free. Congratulations on YOUR new home. :)

  3. Now THAT is the DREAM! Hahahahaha!!! (Who's an overpaid writer these days anyway?)

    Thanks dianna... i guess we'll have to re-resked that shoot for when the place is done, hahaha!
