Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Could somebody please tweet the MMDA for me and to tell their lazy, useless, kurakot-happy asses to conduct some serious traffic enforcing on over to East Avenue corner V.Luna? The stoplights aren't working and it's causing a major frikkin' interwoven mess of cars who all seem to have somewhere important, life or death type place to get to, that's why no one wants to give way... even when my car is already in the middle of the road and I have a three-year old shouting "move" while trying to fiddle with the iPod so she can listen to Kesha.

And could somebody please tell the jeeps to not stop right in front of Jollibee when they turn into V.Luna from East Ave.? It's a two-lane street and cars get stuck on that turn waiting for them to move.

And could somebody tell the President to limit the number of buses that should be allowed on the roads each day? Like... 3 buses per drop/location? Goddamn buses think they're kings of the road, bullying everyone to move out of their way just because they're big and no one wants a long, tedious court case against the bus companies who overwork their drivers whilst underpaying them.

No one gets punished for reckless driving that's why no one's scared.

Catholic church has turned us into whining, helpless, disgustingly dependent sissies. Hello people? God only helps those who help themselves. The betterment of our society and the discipline it entails ain't gonna motivate itself.

Ugh. I am totally ranting.


And this just in!

My two colleagues just got hit by an overzealous speeding  mini-van on Times Street!!!! That's f*cking Noynoy's street!!!!

Goddamn it people.


  1. here's what they said:
    "@switchtrik Sir under repair po yung traffic Light sa East Ave cor V.Luna #mmda"

    MALAMANG DIBA. I asked them to send officers down there to help. Jeeez. I think now they're waiting for the public to give them orders before they actually move.

  2. wow. are they really that dense or just that stupid? or just that lazy? isn't there a way to sue the city or something for negligence??? that's what they do in law and order.

  3. yeah...maybe the whole government should be required to watch all seasons of Law & Order. or they can configure their TVs to show nothing but the Universal Channel :)

  4. your intersection (east ave - v. luna) is death

  5. it's like... you wanna be defensive, you wanna give way, then you've got all these cars honking behind you, telling you to grow some balls, as you inch yourself across while buses and other cars zoom past you, swerving just to dodge you... you're in the middle of the street and people still don't get it, everyone just wants to get through.

    it's every man for himself in this country. how ironic that we're predominantly still catholic. (ok i don't blame the church's "good" intentions but really, our values are all jacked up.)
