Sunday, October 10, 2010


So the "new guy" aka our online/digital editor Mr. Francis Tan turns to us (me, our tech editor, editorial asst, and art director) and says (in his deep conyo-like Atenean-bred voice):

"Guys, wag nyong inumin yung Fit n' Right. Expired na sya."

Of course we were all like, "What??? Why what happened??"

(This is where his quotable quotes come in ---- you have to imagine it with the voice.)

"Uminom ako kanina tapos nakita ko 5/14/2010 pa sya expired."
"Naisip ko parang ang weird ng lasa pero... pineapple sya so weird naman talaga dapat ang lasa."
"As in isa lang yung ininom ko, nakakadalawang beses nako nag-CR."
"Tiningnan ko yung BBD, eh di ko pa alam kung anung ibig sabihin nun so ginoogle ko pa... best before date." *smacks forehead*
"Kanina ko pa nga gustong i-tweet, 'struggle naman ubusin tong fit n' right, sagwa ng lasa.'"

HAHAHAHA and as I'm typing this, I can hear Francis moaning and rubbing his stomach, HAHAHAHAHA!! Kawawa.

Well... he did say he wanted to lose weight. Hahahaha!!! I guess that's one way to lose weight... to get the RUNS! LMFAO!!!!

Our tech editor just asked, "Describe [the expired drink] to us."

"Well... it wasn't THAT yellow."

Frikkin' hilarious sh*t.

Never a dull day here at the office.

(This is Mr. Francis Tan)


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