And it really is the darndest thing when I drink... (Gilbeys Premium, particularly)...
I don't remember much of anything the day after. Like... I have serious amnesia-like symptoms... and it's funny to think about how I don't remember a frikkin' thing even though I know I was saying something profound and inspiring and lovey-dovey in my drunken state ---- all the while I'm talking and dancing and talking some more, I'm actually on auto-pilot and my brain has lost all capacity to form new memories... or at least, retain them.
*sips pink gatorade*
But I don't get how one can claim to be all for "independent" music and still act like a rockstar?
I don't get that.
I dunno. I guess it may seem unfortunate that I'm not all artsy-fartsy and hipster-like and "underground" and all the other words that supposedly define the concept of "being cool without being mainstream" or some idealogical shit like that. I honestly don't get it and I'm not gonna pretend that I do because personally, I could give a shit about it... Hell, I think Lil Wayne's "Every Girl" is worth a listen and I like that whole part about "fillet mignon-ing pussy" and that line where he says, "Well anyway, I think you're bionic. And I don't think you're beautiful, I think you're beyond it." ---- and well, it really doesn't matter then if you're mainstream or not or in however which way you want to move a particular movement, if you wanna sell-out to be popular (I heard that this morning on the radio --- if you would sell-out to be popular) and personally I'd do it, so long as it doesn't conflict with my core values and hell, we all wanna get paid and maybe that's where the difference is right? to be indie is to starve... to do it for the "love" ---- but I think any which way you look at it... It really boils down to the sincerity of treatment you give to others. And if you are a sincere "asshole" then... I guess we all have to make our bed and sleep in it.
And I don't know what the Hell I'm talking about.
But anyway...
On a lovelier note...
My awesome fiance diligently woke me up this morning so I wouldn't be late for a 10am meeting --- otherwise, I would've slept in and remained UNDER the bedsheets (and not to be confused for the actual blanket --- I don't know how the bedsheets came off although I have a theory... and if my theory is correct then I guess I owe it to my fiance to say "you were amazing lastnight, waffle" =)
He even made me my favorite baon: spicy tuna, fluffy scrambled eggs, and brown rice with crushed black pepper sprinkled on everything.
running then you kick and you finally score a goal type SCORE. And you know what? I'm still kinda faded so I'm just gonna come right out and say it:
Thank you to all of the girls before me for being stupid enough to let him go. Or at least, for teaching him exactly what to contrast me against (I totally love that John Mayer line)... so that he could finally see just how AMAZING it could really be after all of the mediocrity y'all have shown him. Thank you for being the "temporal paradox" in our lives ---- you have inadvertently secured a truly lovely future for me and my daughter.
I am truly smiling.
And I am totally falling asleep right now.
But before that, a song. (I heard it this morning on the radio and man, this has got to be one of my favorite lovey-dovey giddy i'm so frikkin' elated and lucky to be in love type love songs. (And the video is absolutely kilig-worthy)
Let me see you throw your hands up if you love your man. =)
Ay! But they do sell themselves - their philosophies and classfications, every second to be popular - they just haven't realized this yet, in all their sincerity and righteousness (let's give them time). The very fact that they deem their ka-indie-han to be a cut above all other roads to acclaim and the very "INSIGHT" that Mainstream is something cynical, is altogether hypocrisy itself.
ReplyDeleteViva Temporal Paradox! Viva BAON!!! May pepper sprinkles pa talaga eh!
PREACH. IT. (and personally, i'm kinda getting allergies from all the people who get all high ---literally and figuratively--- and mighty when it comes to "indie" music, spread the love type shit and not really doing much about it to really live it. hell, i see alot more love when people get together and sing-along to a bon jovi track at cable car.)
ReplyDeletehaha, i don't even know why i care. =P
Viva indeed!!! (and yes, we love unforgiving amounts of pepper on EVERYTHING. =)