Sunday, February 28, 2010

on adulthood

*clears throat*

If you wanna be treated like an "adult"....


and you can start by keeping that dog of yours on a shorter leash. sh*t. leave your personal life and the psychotic sh*t that goes with it AT THE MOTHERF*CKIN' DOOR, BUDDYBOY.

respect BEGETS respect. but if you're just PLAIN STUPID then...

f*ck you to Hell.

and and and...

if i HAD a facebook... YOU WOULD SOOOOOO NOT BE MY FRIEND. because real friends don't expect their friends to take their sh*t AAAAAAAAAND be treated like sh*t for it. and since you're NOT my friend, then I don't have to like your ass. and if this displeases you, then i can tell you to f*ck yourself... and not feel a crumb of remorse.

so don't do me any favors and i won't do you any.

and no, THIS IS SO NOT ABOUT YOU. so get over yourself.


  1. hahaha kaya nga! delete kita dyan sa friends list ko. tssss... isip bata amp. eh ano ngayon? diba?

  2. haha this shit just happened to me. so funny. this girl, who was always trying to be part of my group of friends (because she wanted the players too) is still so bitter that I didnt wanna be her friend in college, and she blocked me from her account. too funny.

    hoy can you please sign up on because I will be your number one follower!!!

  3. ok... what's a tumblr? (i asked my colleague)

    chad: it's like twitter.
    me: but with pictures?
    chad: hmmm... oo pero meron narin photos yung twitter na tweet photos.
    me: so... what's tumblr?
    chad: like plurk.
    me: what's plurk?
    chad: like twitter.


    but yeah, i dunno how people can just be soooooooo petty sometimes (ok, myself included =). shoot. i'm so allergic to stupid people. =P

  4. its a blog site, and it is so easy to use. no html bullshit hassle whatever. one click and then its good to go. and you can follow other blogs, like my favorite one= quotebook, which always has the best lines, from classic movies/songs/whatever. check it out. :)

  5. you can blog by posting an entry, a song, a picture, a link..check out the site para you can see :D

  6. but but but....

    i like my multiply. =(

  7. what happened?

    me too i like my multiply! heeheehee

  8. roni and camoi: what happened, you ask?

    love happened. and love apparently makes you do the DUMBEST THINGS. like really? the whole me-and-you-against-the-world drama, let's-pick-a-fight-with-everyone-and-unfriend-people-on-fb is soooooooooooo 1700s. (or whatever era shakespeare was born in)
