Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 100 - A picture of you smiling

                                         Our first year anniversary [last year] in Bali.

It's our second year anniversary today.

This year... we plan on simply settling in to the fact that we've only been together 2 years, married only 7 1/2 months... and have never been happier just vegging together, eating Cheetos, watching Fringe, knowing that we both came home from a hard day's work, loving what we do, loving each other, loving our daughter, and believing that all of this --- the days that go by, the promotions, the trips-away, the bills to pay, the parties to attend, the movies we still have yet to watch, the daily grind that comes with living... all of it [as in, all of it] is just so much sweeter because we have each other to share it with. Isn't that the paradox? "To get the full value of joy, you must have someone to divide it with."

Well who'd have thought blessings only multiply when you divide em?

We also plan on getting a hotel room. (Cuz we nasty =)


  1. ahahahaha. Makes sure to divide some more.. Like cells getting fertilized

  2. hahahahahahaha you're just freaky like that aren't you? =P

    ika nga, the more the merrier ba? (i will definitely emulate the de castros real soon. =)
