Tuesday, April 26, 2011


especially with FACEBOOK.

(Ok ok, I know I come off as such a Zuckerberg hater ---you can even accuse me of sour-graping for lack of an FB ergo my blind rage--- but honestly, I don't hate it. I mean, I don't like it, but I don't exactly loathe it with a passion and morally detest it. I think, for the most part, I just find the effects it has on people... depressing. And unforgivingly... funny.)

And this is another reason why:

Taken from Claire Gordon's Facebook Break-Up on HuffingtonPost:

My sister and I broke up on Facebook. Well, she broke up with me really. I checked my profile one day and saw that the comically incestuous "In a relationship with Sarah Gordon" had become the covert and serious "In a relationship" with no specified partner.

My sister had decided, apparently, that broadcasting her relationship with her actual boyfriend was more important than broadcasting our whimsical siblinghood. I think I might have felt a little hurt at the time. But if I did, I've repressed it, because it's definitely inappropriate to feel spurned when your blood relative virtually dumps you.

I rebounded quickly, edited myself back to "single," and within two hours had received five commiserating and curious messages.

"i saw in my mini-feed that you just broke up with your boyfriend. i'm so sorry! are you okay? also, who was your boyfriend?"

That was when I decided, like 40% of Facebook users, to leave my relationship status blank. If breaking up with a joke was this stressful, I couldn't imagine clicking out of a real relationship, flooding hundreds of mini-feeds, and enduring swaths of lowercase condolences from my favorite acquaintances.

Even if you opt out of the "Relationship Status" tab, however, Facebook fall-out from a break up can still be brutal: Should cute couple photos be de-tagged? Flirtatious wall-posts deleted? Pics where his face was particularly hot de-liked? Can you de-like something on Facebook?

Our generation certainly isn't the first to advertise our relationships and deal with the thorny consequences. Medieval jousters tied the handkerchiefs of their beloveds to their clothing. In Norway, an available maiden walked around with an empty sheath on her belt until an interested suitor inserted a knife. In the 1950's high school of my imagination, men marked their territories with letterman jackets and sweetheart pins. A thwarted courtship, in all these cases, was a very public affair.

The difference today is that post break up, all the evidence of a relationship is permanently archived. When a new love interest peruses all 700 of your Facebook photos, as is routine, he or she will see you canoodling with your ex and, even more uncomfortably, he or she will read the comments: "gag me you guys are too cute" and "vomit get a room. jk I love you guys."

Given these intimate electronic trails, it seems practical, and not just petty, to de-tag, delete, or even de-friend. But the sad reality is that the photographic record of my life is almost entirely contained on Facebook. If I de-tag myself, then that image disappears, almost irretrievably, into Facebook's untagged ether of unflattering angles, sloppy drunk faces, bong hits, and I-didn't-realize-that-shirt-was-see-through.

I may want to temporarily eliminate tender snapshots for the sake of a potential future suitor, but I don't usually want to completely Eternal Sunshine a relationship. A simple solution is to save the most treasured photos and wall-to-walls on a hard drive, but this involves a devoted scrap-booking impulse I rarely have in the wake of a break up.

I was confronted with all these issues a few years ago. He de-tagged and de-friended. I, on the other hand, attempting some moral high ground, refused to tamper with the online artifacts of our affection.

It was approximately a year later, on my annual tour through my entire Facebook photo database (why are there 30 photos from that night when I have major grease-face?... oh my god that guy, what the hell happened to him?), that I realized how awkward it looked: The two of us with linked arms, my head on his shoulder, me tagged, him not.

Any potential future suitor, stumbling upon this image, would probably think: That must have been a really shitty break up.

History is always archived on Facebook, but also constantly revised: Drunken exploits edited out, fat days deleted, past relationships purposely depicted in particular ways, inadvertently depicted in others, or not depicted at all.

In a couple decades, however, when Facebook is no longer primarily a tool for finding, stalking, studying and communicating with love interests, but simply a scarily comprehensive record of my life (and, of course, a way to connect with old classmates!), I'll be happy that my youthful angst didn't delete my youthful affairs.

I'll just keep my privacy settings high.


Yes. I made my then boyfriend-now husband delete, de-friend and de-tag and Eternal Sunshine that shit till his FB was squeaky fucking clean, til it was completely SPOTLESS... until all you can see was ME, ME, oh and Me me me... whether happy or drunk or talking or drunk or sleepy or laughing or wrecked or drunk. 

And I am not the least bit ashamed of it.

I hope his fugly exes/flings did the same. *smiles innocently*

(I had to clean out my multiply as well... though yes, admittedly, I wasn't exactly as acquiescent and gung-frikkin'-ho... but it didn't take long for me to realize what was more important here --- my then or my now. =)

Good thing I never signed on and I was single when it boomed. (I did however hack into my ex's account[s] and delete all of MY pictures myself... because I'm a fucking ninja and I'm totally all about that higher moral ground shit meaning... I didn't want any potential suitors seeing those pictures and I certainly ---and I truly mean this--- didn't want my ex's chicks to feel threatened by me upon seeing them.)

Because I'm awesome. And mature. Maybe not the hacking part but c'mon, it was so easy and I was doing him a favor.

But you know what?

Fuck "delete."

It's called a bonfire.


  1. My friend's ex just got engaged. Last month at 22:10 according to Facebook. And this makes me sick is because I just shot my friend and that effing ex's prenup last December. They broke up in January because I saw him then with his now fiancee having an extra late dinner in Morato. Great, he's living his life, but it just depresses me that all our friends can see it now too. Well, maybe in some way that's a good thing - just broadcast it, let everyone swallow it hard and quick, and we can all move on... but on the other hand, siguro galit na galit lang ako ngayon sa Facebook because it messed up all my settings (given its habit of introducing new settings every 2 days) and all its functions are basically useless to me now. Sighness. Ipo-promote ko pa naman ang bagong band interview this Thursday for Sari Sari Sounds. Hahaha.

    *** I hear you babe. I'm so glad I wasn't on Facebook when I was with any of my exes either. I will cringe at any historical record ever archived of us. You know that old music video where some guy in a leather jacket in a motorbike drives to some far location kung saan may rusty steel drum with a raging fire inside... then he tosses old photos and love letters into the blaze? At sepia yung tone? Hahaha. Gusto ko ng mga ganong scenario.

  2. ay. gusto ko rin yan. hahahaha! ang drama lang. o kaya burn everything in a bowl, collect the ashes, and scatter it by the sea type sh*t. eh wala eh. hanggang delete nalang sa hard-drive ngayon. that's how sacrilegious it's gonna have to get. =P

    ***that sucks about your friend. parang hassle. but whatever right? i mean, i suppose it helps you face reality alot quicker as opposed to the slow agony one would subject oneself to with avoidance. you fight and fight for that love and show it off and then "whoops, where'd it go?" --- it disappeared into the abyss. no need to make a scene for something that no longer exists. and i really do believe that when someone leaves you, you don't really lose anything, rather, you gain the opportunity to find someone better. =)


    "I will cringe at any historical record ever archived of us." --- Case in point: I went into VMV to get a diamond peel yesterday. The mktg coordinator looks at me and goes "you look familiar" and I was like "oh god, what did i do now?" and she was like "you went to LB right?" and I was like "yeah" and she was like "i remember you from [name of ex-boyfriend's] party... you were wearing a cowboy hat."

    and i swear woman, the only thing i could say was "OH SO THAT'S HIS LAST NAME! I TOTALLY FORGOT WHAT IT WAS!" (that guy and i dated for about 3months... i think. i don't remember. sh*t.)


    uy speaking of sarisarisounds, tara sama ka bukas at may recording kami ni roni 8-10pm =P the royals, i believe. =)

  3. Apparently, there's such a thing as "Facebook Official". I guess it's for them serious users but C'MON!

  4. Ain't that sad. I saw this Facebook status update from one of my friends just the other day:

    "'Pengeng testi!' - Mas ‎touching pala ang Friendster noon kesa Facebook ngayon. Sana pwedeng ilipat yung 697 testimonials ko dito bago man lang sila magsara."

    Isn't that gross, that to at least one person, you're associated with someone you hardly remember? I bet it's his claim to fame. When someone says, hey weren't you with Michelle from LB, he'll be like, yeah, yeah. VOMIT.

  5. Diyos ko Day, Facebook Official! Mga kabataan ngayon!

  6. ok ganto. one of these days, i will PM you a testi and you can post it up on your facebook and say it came from me. =)

    awww o nga eh, grabe medyo nahiya naman ako that i forgot his name... he was a nice guy and his family was real nice to me too esp. his mom (sociology professor din). when we broke up, she asked what happened like she couldn't believe it. it was just one of those i was too young didn't quite know what the hell i wanted from life type things.

    mas nagulat ako na i was remembered for wearing a cowboy hat. ang labo rin ng style ko nun eh. *smacks forehead*

  7. facebook official??? ano yun? hahahaha "serious user"??? really? how does anyone "seriously use facebook"?

  8. If your bf breaks up with you and then puts "In a Relationship" with somebody else, then it's as good as true cos it's... Facebook Official. Hahahahahahahahaha!

    Facebook has become the confirmation of many a gossip :P

  9. ahhhhhh ok ok gets. parang "it's not just official... it's FACEBOOK official." kumbaga mas may weight, mas may TRUTH. hahahaha!

    well, i guess that just makes life easier for everybody. =)
