Thursday, December 16, 2010

What Christmas is REALLY about.

So I was stuck in semi-traffic yesterday on my way home after a photoshoot, in quite the hurry so my daughter wouldn't miss her Jollibee party (with her yaya), took the long-ass route from Libis to UP Diliman (where apparently, you need an ID in order to enter though I wasn't asked for one as I channeled that college senior vibe in a mad rush to get to class)... and see, whenever I'm stuck in traffic, as I don't have a Blackberry or an iPhone to tweet with or to check my non-existent facebook and what not, I just talk to myself and get into this whole crazy soliloquy of nonsensical ranting, particularly asking out loud (but with the windows up, of course), "Why can't people be more like Virgos and Christmas shop two months in advance?!"

Like what I did. (Actually, it was more like saving gifts during the course of the entire year then figuring out who to give em to for Christmas. =)

But for those who are still on that Christmas rampage and who want to totally maximize all of the sales and half-offs and discounts of Christmas, just don't forget what Christmas is REALLY about...

(Yes, I f*cking took it there because I'm awesome and I wanted to impart something spiritually enriching.)

And uhm, no I wasn't gonna say the birth of Jesus because apparently, the history and actual date of His birthday is still highly debatable.

But that's not the point.

Christmas (well more like the entire season as we cap off the year) is about... making room in your heart for the wealth you acquired --- the powers of wisdom, strength, friendship, forgiveness...

And yeah, let's throw LOVE in there, too. =)

It's about fresh starts, y'all.

So if you are at the mall, stuck together with the rest of the last-minute shoppers like a herd of hapless cattle, just take a deep breath, break those lips into a smile, and think about the good things about that person you're buying for... and how you can translate that love into the form of say, an engagement ring.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (I'm playing, Waffle. =)

I now leave you with this thought from Thomas Paine:

"What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: It’s dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods.”


  1. so i guess that means i'll have to wait for another occasion, hahahaha! =P

  2. :) i would like to take this time to quote a very smart man "with great power comes great responsibility"-- spiderman lol.. being a virgo can be both a curse and a gift--- we are resourceful folks.

  3. and yes I even did the whole blackfriday after thanksgiving sale thing :/

  4. dude, i have mastered the art of preservation for the RE-gift. HAHAHAHA!!! like they say, "one man's trash is another man's treasure" --- but i make sure the stuff is in tiptop condition before i give it away. =)

    hay. yes. being perfect amidst imperfect people can be rather frustrating. hahahaha! i'm an asshole. =P

  5. hahahaha! right?! i start during those mid-year sales. =)
