Sunday, December 19, 2010


I remembered the games we used to play...

I was the priest
The young-uns dressed in sheets
as they read their vows
to their invisible boyfriends
and i read out loud
from my novena booklet
Joined to either a Tim, Tom, Ben, or Bill...

Followed by a dinner date at "The Jigsaw Puzzle Hotel"
where I was also its lounge singer.


This was almost two decades ago.


Now my little sister Mika is engaged... and those childhood memories just tug at my heart... those times when "I" was the cool one, when "I" was their bestfriend.

*deep sigh*

I feel a melancholic happiness. I mean, that's MY little sister. I practically raised her. I feel like I'm giving away one of my own daughters...


And also because she got engaged before me.

Like, what the f*ck is up with that, right?


I'm kidding of course. =)


Mikaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! I am so happy for you and Ben... But I totally get dibs on 2011. Daddy said we should just do a joint one... now I don't know much about "sukob" and what not but I am so not sharing the limelight, hahaha!

Does that mean I have to throw you a bachelorette party? =P


  1. When it rains, it pours! Congratulations you two!!!

    I totally watched Sukob. As in, the one with Kris Aquino. Hahaha.

    P.S. Melancholic happiness. Sigh. :) I know I'll need a week's worth of soul searching nostalgic weeping when my little brother gets married.

  2. i wanna watch sukob. =P

    yeah... i can't pick on my sisters anymore... they're bigger than me. but maybe i could ask them to play "homeless junkies" with me... for old times sake. *sigh*
