Yesterday, I had one of those vertigo-ish, life-altering, eye-opening, like waking up from a bad dream type moments while I was at my desk... an hour shy of leaving the office and pulling my strained eyes away from my laptop... I suddenly (and I mean, SUD-DEN-LY)... forgot how old I was.
I kid you not.
Which of course was immediately followed by a panic-stricken debate in my head between whether or not I was actually 26 or 27 though I seriously, and I mean seriously forgot I had just turned 27... and I caught myself questioning it like being a year older was just absolutely absurd.
Y'all ever have one of those? Because I honestly don't feel like I'm 27 AT. ALL. At least, I don't feel like being 27 actually begins to describe my awareness of my youth. (Even the words seem so... wrong... as if it were such a dishonest adjective)
So I guess, when Pao asked me if I felt old, I answered, "No. Not at all. I feel grown-up."
And as the article suggests (thanks Dianna, by the way, for sharing this lovely insight), this is a season of "becoming."
So to those in their mid-twenties... let's all "become" who we really want to be... and enjoy doing it.
And yes... I admit it, happily and contentedly. I am "becoming" a grown-up.
Yes people... (especially the ones who've been living an "extended adolescence," if you will)
I have a day-job.
I am not just a "party-girl."
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