Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Grind.

Y'all remember that show on Mtv with Eric Niese from the Real World 1?

Probably not.

But it was a fun workout show back in the 90s. And Eric Niese was deeeeeeelicious. And Dan Cortese. And Simon Rex. =P


God I hate the internet. (Ok no, I don't but I can seriously do without it if it weren't say... available. Unless it's for work.)

That's why I made sure I left my laptop in the office and steered clear from coffeeshops and wifi and borrowing my boyfriend's lappy or my sister's lappy just so I wouldn't get sucked into the whole let's-cyberstalk-people-on-the-internet phenomenon whilst enjoying my Christmas vacation.

(Whilst is my new favorite word.)

So yeah.

People should take detoxes from the net... like they do with alcohol. Or junkfood. Or whatever else you decided to stuff yourself with in excess... cuz it's Christmas and you have an excuse to make dieting and healthy living a new year's resolution rather than an all-year round one. (Guilty as charged --- day one of diet and alcohol detox starts TODAY)

And people need better pastimes.

Oh and...

What's up with wanting to be my facebook friend? Like really?

Aren't we good enough friends in real life? Am I really all that more interesting on a computer screen than in person?



Happy New Year, everyone.

Let the daily work grind of checking my email, updating my multiply, loading music on youtube, chatting with the boyfriend on YM, and googling videogame walkthroughs... BEGIN.

Oh shoot, editorial meeting to commence in 10mins.


  1. Multiply doesn't have a 'like' button. Facebook does. So i actually have to spend precious seconds letting you know .... I like this. ;)

  2. ah. i lived without dsl for three weeks. it was painful. on another note. eric niese lmao. g saw him on a reality show last yr. he's such a hippie now. linen wearing yogist raw foodist. hilarious. oh and fyi nothing compares to michelle in real life:) did i also mention i'm doing this comment from my cellphone :P

  3. well... i appreciate those precious seconds. *big smile* that's why i think it's better to be multiply friends than facebook friends. more seconds are involved in getting to know someone on multiply. =)

    and thank you for the lovely jewelry box *blush*

  4. you. are. a. freak. hahahahaha!!! and i miss you, man! i mean hey, i can't completely hate on the internet --- that's how you and i met.

    but you and i are so much awesomer in person. =P

    i liked simon rex more though. =)
