See, last sunday, I was diagnosed with costochondritis... WTF, right?... which simply means
Then I began to google more about it and realized that you can get it from physical injury. Now I didn't fall on my side... and I certainly didn't get it from (as Ruth so eloquently put it) "crazy monkey sex". I figured the only real strenuous physical activity I underwent which could've caused it was my "Fat-Burning Dance Party" DVD exercise routine, as taught by Jennifer Galardi.
She taught me to salsa, cha cha, and party funk.
What a tragedy. Now I need another new year's resolution.
There goes that diet plan.
The following day, I had an appointment with Amezcua Spa along Katipunan for my feature article regarding their services. I was treated to a Dead Sea Salt and Peppermint Body Scrub and a 90minute Hilot, not to mention a 30minute prep to the jacuzzi, steam bath, and sauna.
All of which was f*cking awesome.
Then I had to return again yesterday for my medical checkup (as Amezcua is a MEDICAL SPA) and learned about all sorts of things in my body I never had.
Like microbes.
(Ok, I know we've got em but it's just different when you can see them moving around under a microscope.)
I got a live blood analysis and it showed that my blood cells were HELLUH abnormal. Apparently, from the drop of blood they took from my finger, they figured out that I:
-had poor blood circulation
-liver stress
-had few metals in my body
-uric acid crystals
-and that my white blood cells were currently (during time of checkup) battling those microbes I got from skipping meals
(That's why I hate doctors.)
Luckily, they didn't see any red or black crystals (which supposedly means my 13years of smoking was taking its toll on me).
I was given a diet plan of fruits for breakfast, anything for lunch all the way up to an early dinner, then only fruits or vegetables come past 5pm. Of course, I take anything as not really anything because I'm supposed to cut down on fat, fried, dairy, and nuts (and yeah alcohol)... and to drink more yakult for those live micro-organisms and probiotics.
And my costochondritis prevents me from taking caffeine.
Oh and FYI, I have completely cut rice out of my diet. I'm on week three. Furrealz.
I also got "cupped" yesterday. Yeah. It hurt. 24 cups sucking on your back and "energy meridians". My back looked like I was some creature out of the movie "Species" (y'all remember that movie? Wasn't that Rebecca Romjin-Stamos?)
On a more positive note (according to my chinese cupping interpreter doctor), that I had a relatively positive "chi" save for my being a bit of a worrywart and some whack hormonal dysfunction ----- (so you see Paolo, I'm not completely crazy out of my own volition =)
But I still look like a reptile.
I was told if you get your colon cleaned, you lose about 1.5lbs per session whilst removing toxins from your body. They shove pressurized lukewarm water up your a** and clean that sh*t (literally) for a good 45minutes.
I think I would really appreciate this for my birthday. (And no, love, I am not addressing this to you so you need not feel pressured to get me this =)
Or perhaps I should get this for my boyfriend instead so he won't be so iffy when it comes to me shoving anything else up his a**hole. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (Cuz I'm a freak like dat!) ---
He's gonna so hate me right now, LOL!
***Disclaimer: I have not put or shoved anything inside my boyfriend's rectum as he so violently refuses my offers and advances. However, this is a personal fantasy and wish of mine and I will keep insisting until I get what I want... Which probably won't be anytime soon. *sigh*
On a less sexually freaky note:
It's almost 10am. I just had watermelon for breakfast. I have 2hours left before I can eat my tupperware lunch of half grilled chicken fillet and 3 baby potatoes.
My tummy is grumbling. =(
But this healthy living sh*t is so ON.
HAHAHA LIVER STRESS. sorry i just had to laugh at that one.
ReplyDeletebut duuuude i feel you. i cut off rice too. i'm on week two. AND i live on bananas and soymilk and the occasional beef/chicken (as long as it's not fried) and sometimes salad. aaaaaaaaand if your sister will get off my case abt it, i can stop drinking alcohol! whee. boring.
and as for shoving anything up your boyfriend's badonkey-donk, TOO MUCH INFORMATION.
ReplyDeletei am roflmao right now
now this is why i dont like medical checkups but this is interesting. i learned a lot today. :)
ReplyDeletefrikkin liver stress?! hahaha! WTF? =P
ReplyDeleteoh man yeah, i gotta buy some bananas. i'm living off watermelons and grilled, steamed foods -- no rice, just baby potatoes, and salad. but i was told to take yogurt and yakult to help my digestion. i cut down on the alcohol... by not drinking everyday, hahaha! (but hey, we deserve a cheat day too, yeah? that's what fridays and saturdays are for... even though i cheated lastnight, hahaha!)
LOL! yeah he read it so i had to put that disclaimer cuz he said people might think he takes in the a**, HAHAHAHAHA!!!
ReplyDeletewish ko lang yan, hahahaha!
yeah, i write too much, i know. =P
well i think getting a diagnosis at a medical spa sometimes makes the patient more comfortable because of the ambience. and the doctors there are a bit more intimate and caring... so... yeah.
ReplyDeletei gotta find a way to de-stress my liver. =P
Dude we gotta chat lol. I've done colon hydro therapy. I do it every year for five sessions for five consecutive weeks. One word. Amazing :)
ReplyDeleteok. i'll do it before summer. =P get my sh*t cleaned before i get into that bikini, go to the beach, and drink myself into a stupor. hahahaha!!!
ReplyDeleteuhm... NO. =P i know i'm doing the healthy living bit but not THAT healthy.
ReplyDeletefool. hahahaha!