Best friends are the BEST. *puts hand on heart whilst sighing*
So Ms. Monna Mariano... I know... that in the heart of hearts, I will always allow you to call me up JUST when I'm about to work, in my pambahay, all the work essentials neatly sprawled on my bed (particularly, the cigarettes)... and ask me out to Tomatokick JUST to drink only because it's undeniably and inexcusably near my apartment and since apparently, you live SUPER near my place and somehow I feel like I de-ja vu'ed myself back to UPLB and back to those days when all you needed to do was call and I was always ready and willing to drive to wherever you were, even when I was in the middle of something ridiculously important and have to wake up super early the next day JUST to join your little drinking session for some new (or old) heartache and share your misery.
But most of all, for my best friend, I would break my diet rather than break her heart. Or let any other guy do it. *amen*
And Monna? He's not worth it. And I've never meant that cliche with more conviction in my life. He may be baby daddy... you may have more than a decade's worth of history under your belt. But enough should be enough... and like I told you again, lastnight... the same thing I've been telling you since I was 17 and we were only freshmen REGARDING THE SAME FRIKKIN' GUY (sheesh)... if he knocks on your door and asks you back (for the gazillionth time amidst the lies, the hurtful words, the cheating --- and i'm NOT even exaggerating), knowing that your loving and forgiving heart will probably let him back in... tell him that you're sorry... but he hurt you... you and your daughter... and he has to realize that you both deserve better... and he has to earn your love back. If not the love, at least the respect.
Girls can be so hardheaded... and love can be so complicated.
But my best friend... no matter how much of a MARTYR she is and no matter how many times I wanna strangle her... she does give the best advice --- the best meaning, allowing me to do what I want (like annoy the boyfriend with questions about his "romantic history") and rationalize that "it's better to be a fool for five minutes than a fool forever" --- though I really don't get how that piece of advice follows my wanting to open the proverbial pandora's box on relationship no-no's but still high-fiving her for the wisdom and the loving consent and the non-judgmental assurance and affection... even when her two brothers STRONGLY advised against my decision.
Well... I'm just a girl. And girls can be playful. =P
I haven't felt more at ease in the longest time. And maybe it's the nostalgia that college brings. To have had the ultimate UP buddy --- from maintaining a non-probationary status whilst being DRUNK ALL DAY, EVERYDAY, DURING ANY TIME OF THE DAY. And being broken hearted and using it as a reason to cut class, drink some more, sober up with coffee then drink again... and vandalizing our apartment walls and that time I distracted her brother just so she can uppercut the girl who her boyfriend cheated on her with and that time she snuck out of her house at 6 in the morning just to rescue me from my woman-beating ex.
Best of all...
I like how I can be stupid with my bestfriend. And I can talk about a**-licking with her and she won't mind, or at least, she'll find it really funny instead of disgusting. LOL!
Oh and speaking of best friends...
Roni, my sister, REALLY IS MY TWIN. It's not even funny. (So Roni, it's ok to pick fights with your boyfriend because of the stupid decisions he's made in the past, hahahaha!) Oh right. They're only allowed one. =P
Sarap nga naman kasi mangulit. *tee-hee*
Oh shoot, you live near my apartment. I must learn to turn my phone off in case you might call, hahaha!
***FYI, the guys in the picture are our brods-slash-bodyguards. No romantic involvement whatsoever. =P
And in addition:
What the hell is up with this whole Jason Ivler nonsense? Homeboy has got a fan site on facebook.
Like seriously? He shoots someone cuz of road-rage, is in the hospital after a hostile confrontation with the POlice (where he was described as emulating "Rambo" during the shoot-out)... and he has a fan site???
And seriously (again)...
Marlene Aguilar (Jason's mom)... should be diagnosed with the Jocasta Complex. (Cuz homegirl is super crushin' on her own son.)
:) In my boyfriend's case, he's allowed 4 stupid mistakes... And never again! *hugs*
ReplyDelete=) you really are my twin (hahahahahaha!!!)... yeah the boyfriend is allowed 4 stupid mistakes... which i will annoy him with for the rest of his life. *evil laughter*