The standard song to create a system of power on elementary school buses everywhere. - According to its FB page.
One of the things I picked up in Jersey along with the accent. (And for the nth time, people from Jersey don't say JOISEY so stop saying it like that as if I'm supposed to get it. See NJ Accent.)
The only cheer I know... to bequeath to my daughter.
Peanut butter reesey cup
Mess with me, I'll kick your butt
Bam bam, choo choo train
Watch the ladies do their thang
I can't!
Why not?
I can't!
Why not?
My back hurts, my bra's too tight
My booty shakes to the left
To the right
To the left right left right
Don't sweat it, don't sweat it
Don't sweat it, don't sweat it
My name is ________ na na na
I'm cool and fine na na na
I make you cry when I punch you in the eye
I say a lottie, a dottie, a lottie dottie disco party
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