Sunday, November 20, 2011

Fountain of Youth

Zumba + Weights + Healthy diet = Compensation for previous night's revelry, merriment, and intemperance. (Life is all about "balance," right? There just ain't no other way to live. =)

That... and a delightful disposition. To be a breath of fresh air for those around you. And to laugh... from the gut. Like a frikkin' hyena.


I've become one of those girls... as I maintain to continue looking 21 until I'm 31 and to ALWAYS look 10 years younger than my actual age. =P (And I totally idolize 50-year old women doing crazy pilates like it ain't no thang. Makes me feel all old and icky and un-stretchy.)

                                                              on the floor.

                                           my 4-year old kicks which I only use NOW

                            enjoying a personal "savasana" after every gut-wrenching crunch

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