Monday, November 21, 2011

Like a Boss.

Despite the recent "unnecessary stress" of work (operative term: unnecessary), today I finally learned to understand that truly, the best revenge (or to sound less evil and vindictive), the best way to get back at anyone who frustrates the living shit out of you... is to be successful. In other words, TO BE SO FUCKING GOOD THAT IT HURTS. And to do that you have to ALWAYS do more than what is expected of you... even if it means carrying more weight than you have to. To do all of that, happily, willingly, and un-begrudgingly... with a sweet, sweet smile on your face. To still be mindful to respect your colleagues and to not be stingy with praise. To always say "thank you" and "good job" even if saying it sounds weird saying it so often. To criticize tactfully and objectively and to include suggestions (not demands) on improvement. People seriously need a lesson on tact sometimes, it's crazy.

You can totally rant after work whilst downing a few below zeros but come the next day, you keep that smile albeit hungover smile on your face and do it all again.

Sun Tzu said it best: “Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.”

I'm in it to win "employee of the year" bitches.

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