I honestly think I could become one of those professional wedding planners for couples who are on a tight budget.
And maybe even a marriage counselor, too. (maybe for a little extra)
Budget list-making is f*cking fun, I kid you not. I could do this sh*t all day, baby. All. Day. (Actually, it's all I've been doing for the past few days now *tee-hee*.) It's so addicting. And it's only NOW that I appreciate online bargain-hunting. Seriously. That sulit.com.ph site does NOT play. Man, bargains are frikkin' awesome. They excite the Hell out of me. I don't get how couples can spend so much on weddings. I told my sister I don't care if I have to DIY most of the wedding stuff ---- like... if I have to grow my own flowers and make the bouquets and boutonnieres myself... or if I have to artzooka the invitations myself. And I honestly no longer mind if I don't have a gazillion guests... or if I wear an off-the-rack wedding gown... or if my cake is two-tiered and not three (I don't even remember ANY of the wedding cakes I've eaten at weddings!)
I just want to get married (again) to my husband because he's awesome. And if this is one way we can "dedicate" our love to God and our family and to the people who've made a difference in our lives (because seriously, a power couple wouldn't be a power couple without an amazing support system), who allowed us to touch and inspire them (and to help us with our wedding *giggles*, then I'm all for it.
Bring out the red plastic cups!
More importantly, I just want to get married within our means. 'Cause honestly, I would rather buy another TV than a three-tiered cake. Because they cost the same. And you can't watch Law and Order on a cake. And you can't watch Shutter Island whilst drinking Rum and Lime and getting drunk on the floor with your husband whilst trying to understand why Leo was crazy and who the Hell Andrew Laeddis was and why Leo was dream-jumping in Inception... with a cake.
Just saying.
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