Friday, August 6, 2010

Happy birthday to me, tra-la-la-lala.

Ok this is it.

Will leave for Dubai on the 17th then Phuket, Thailand on the 20th with my awesome sister. A pre-birthday gift for myself. (Thank you, daddy for the credit card, hehe! You da f*ckin' best, You da f*ckin' best. =)

And if all goes well... it's Bali, Indonesia with Paolo for our one year anniversary in October. *blushes*

(The reggae bands by the beach and the 24hr. KFC beside the resort is what won him over. What a dork. We'll be eat, pray, lovin' to KFC whilst dancin' to a lot of Bob Marley renditions-Indonesian style. =)

Time to get me some ACTION.


  1. I stayed in Sanur for about 5 days (where I saw Kimora!), and then spent a while in Kuta and Uluwatu (my a-while's are quite a while, as my still unfinished law degree can attest). They call Bali the island of the Gods, and dear God, I really do hope heaven SMELLS, tastes and feels like Bali. Roses and banana leaf offerings from dawn till night. It IS heaven on earth. Heaven and earth. The temples are amazing (the monkeys are a little snatcher-like) and the sand in Kuta is like black cashmere. They also call Bali the Morning of the World. How romantic is that? I was completely in love in with Bali, and in Bali, and I'm just counting the days until I can live there again!

    Photos from my instant camera days:

    I saw a Kama Sutra resort somewhere in Kuta. A place dedicated to pleasures. You guys should see what's happening there!

  2. you mean kimora lee??? hahaha! i'd have wanted to see russell. =P i shall google that kama sutra resort. =)

    it's funny, but i'm excited to be with him there (as if we're not together all the time =). it's like... i already know how he and i are like, what we're gonna be doing, how we're gonna bug out and bond. *sigh*

  3. aghhh I'm so jelous! Have fun for me :) we r doing a kid/prego friendly vacation to disneyland in seot.. but I'm so ready for an adult vacay! Sama ako next time to dubai lol

  4. you know what? i've never been to disneyland... =(

    ok next time, we'll do dubai together then... you can take me to see mickey mouse. i'll leave psyche at home, hahaha!!

    miss you!!!! send me another snail mail of your baby. =)
