Wednesday, April 7, 2010

BLOGGERS of the world, UNITE!

Ok, I totally ripped that one off from the 1995 flick Hackers (which I thought was an awesome movie... which I kinda wanna watch again)

It was pre-nose job Angelina Jolie. =P

But I digress...

So I'm calling all bloggers (preferrably, the really "serious" ones, hahaha!) to check this out:

Click on the pic and you're good to go.

It's a whole day event so hopefully those who are interested can dedicate the time. The event will be tackling issues on new media and the like (which I think is something worth knowing more about) as well as featuring different topics regarding photography, gaming, digital living, etc. headed by top name brands.

It's a field day for bloggers. =)

So for those who are interested, kindly let me know (by leaving a comment =)

Hope to see you there! (That sounded helluh cheesy but I'm actually serious. =)

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