Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Psyche on speaking Filipino

Admirably, Psyche has been trying to inject a lot of Filipino into our daily conversations, sometimes even asking me to translate words for her, from English to Filipino and vice versa.

To show off her Filipino conversational skills, she comes up to me and says (in her best Filipino --un-americanized-- accent):

Psyche: Sang buhay mo ang Papa.
Me: What did you say????
Psyche: Sang buhay mo ang Papa!
Me: What does that mean in English?
Psyche: It means you found your love. And you're gonna get married and have a wedding.

Then, so that I may understand her context clues and realize that what she says makes actual sense, she continues:

Psyche: Sang buhay MO ang Papa. Sang buhay KO ang Cupid!

***If I didn't know any better, I think it makes perfect sense.

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