Thursday, June 9, 2011


If everyone had been in love all time… in a constant dopamine plateau, teetering on the edge of your mind and the sound your heart makes when the phone is just about to ring, plunging deep into your bed, arms wide open, ready for that invisible, invincible embrace, take me I’m yours and all in, looking up and into his eyes and my aren’t they just divine, praying a gazillion thanks, pressing lids, tears brimming, shivering up your spine and wishing he was IT, I’m done with all this shit, I’d totally give it all up, whispering promises and maybe compromises to the wind and under your breath and you swear you’ve never felt like this before, swearing, smiling, sighing (but the good kind), gushing with fruity tutti flavor, knowing that God exists because this whole falling in love thing can’t possibly be of this world, there’s just no way…

We’d have died as a species.




I don’t know exactly how that became a bad thing.




Though I don’t think we could have all that heaven on earth (because then it wouldn’t be called earth now would it? It would just be called heaven and we wouldn’t have to do sh*t anymore, we’d be like that girl in Lovely Bones only much happier).

Ok I don’t want to be that girl in Lovely Bones.

I would like a reason to be a smitten little kitten, though.

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