Wednesday, June 29, 2011


When she leaves, she's just asking to be followed.
When she walks out, all she wants is to be led.


Now why can't most guys figure out the very simple logic that women don't say what they mean or mean what they say... on most days anyway.

Sheesh. It's not rocket science, fellas.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


This time, not even rain, sleet, or snow can stop this from happening.

(Right, God? *winks*)

Join me and the rest of the Sari Sari gang this Friday (JULY 1) to kickstart the payday weekend. *giggles* You know I'll definitely be there for my bucket... hence this maddening abstinence from alcohol until then just to earn my right to non-sobriety.


Don't forget to catch another Friday fun edition of THE HANGOVER CLUB this Friday (JULY 1) at 3:30pm-ish as we interview (ok, more like ridicule, hahaha) the official Sari Sari Sounds band GENERAL MERCHANDISE (uhm, yeah... we have our own band, too =) and their sexy soulful repertoire. Learn more about the guys behind Sari Sari Sounds, the musicians, DJs, the individuals... and the corporation. =P

Monday, June 27, 2011


I'd press her chest, request a song, and she'd start singing.

All for the incredibly low price of FREE NINETY-NINE!


All About Him

For those highschool, and-we-don't-give-a-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang young love type loves:

And here's to those hot interracial relationships. *winks at Mika and Ben*

Thursday, June 23, 2011

"4" Happy Birthdays

1st Birthday: had that ish catered

2nd Birthday: dancing to boom boom pow @ Shakeys

3rd Birthday: Going buckwild @ Jollibee

4th Birthday: because all she wanted was to see some birds (NAPWC)

Here's to many many many more birthdays to come! =)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Perfect Two

I was going through your blogs and first came across "AN EDUCATION - with Psyche Calypso." I was listening to this song at the time I was reading this entry, and it made the experience of reading it tear jerking. I know the song is about a relationship of Love between a GF and a BF, but I felt that a lot of the lyrics could relate to a type of Love a mother has for a daughter and vice versa. I was reading everything first before I scrolled down to the end of the entry and BAM...that picture of you guys hugging made it even harder to hold back the waterworks. It made me want to go out and make a baby, so one day I could have a moment like that with my child. You guys are lucky to have each other.

Honestly Gerry, if my daughter and I can make you want to go out and make a baby then... that reassures me that I must be doing something right with this whole "parenting" thing... especially when I used to think that being "motherly" was the last among my list of better qualities.

So... thank you.

And thank you for sharing this:

I hope that for all that you've read (about my relationship with my daughter and my husband), that it encourages you to not only be an awesome parent, but an amazing partner as well, as I know I couldn't have been as great a parent to my daughter without the help of my husband... who takes over the parenting when I've just about lost my mind, hahahaha!

Like my favorite Def Poet once said: "One plus one equals three, and I know the math sounds strange and sometimes I find myself struggling with divinity. But why try? Mother, father, child is the holy trinity, and she is living proof that there is truth in fertility."

Mika & Roni

Ain't nothin' like crazy younger sisters.

I feel like the coolest person on earth because of them.

Friday, June 17, 2011


To my dad

And Psyche's dad

Two of the bestest dads I know. God is so generous. He blessed us Callanta girls with men from the waning stock of good guys out there.

Happy Father's Day!!!! =)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

AN EDUCATION - with Psyche Calypso

Youth is a perpetual intoxication; it is a fever of the mind.  ~François Duc de la Rochefoucauld

My daughter has reminded me about many important things in life which I had forgotten, which I had lost somewhere in all the muddle of my trying to "find" myself, trying to figure out what it all means, trying to establish some sort of purpose.

She came into my life and thus began my re-education.

So this is to my mentor...

Who showed me the absolute joys of something as mundane as a strepsil or a potato chip (she will literally watch Law & Order with you so long as you share with her your bag of chips)

Who showed me the strength and integrity of having a plan, of earning your keep and finding happiness so long as you do the ff. in chronological order
1) go to school
2) go to the office
3) get married
4) kiss a boy

Who showed me how fun it is to cook with Barbie and to eat invisible food.

Who showed me why Disney princess movies are the ultimate romance collection.

Who showed me that no matter how upset or busy or so-not-in-the-mood-right-now you are, you just need to take your partner's hand, clasp em between your fingers, and realize that THAT is love.

Who showed me that for all the money you  make and all the hours you put in at work, all you need to bring home is just enough to buy icecream. And you will get all of the love inside the bottomless pit of her little heart.

So here's to my baby girl who is turning 4 tomorrow at exactly 7:25pm...

For teaching this old soul the beauty as well as the difference between being young and careless and being youthful and carefree.

Happy birthday, Psyche Calypso!!! Mama and Papa love you very much.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

To fresh grads who think the world is out to eat them alive.

To my sister Veronica.

Because yes.
The world IS indeed a scary place to live.
But you.
No you...
Are much scarier.
Now wipe those goddamn tears and scare the sh*t out of this world by being awesome.


To this day, I still don’t understand exactly what happened. But I have never had more fun, been more challenged, and (this is important), had more conviction about what I was doing. How could this be true? Well, it’s simple. There are few things more liberating in this life than having your worst fear realized. I went to college with many people who prided themselves on knowing exactly who they were and exactly where they were going. At Harvard, five different guys in my class told me they would one day be president of the United States. Four of them were later killed in motel shoot-outs. The other one’s briefly hosted Blues Clues before dying senselessly at yet another motel shoot-out. Your path at 22 will not necessarily be your path at 32 or 42. One’s dream is constantly evolving, rising and falling, changing course.

But the point is this: It is our failure to become our perceived ideal that ultimately defines us and makes us unique. It’s not easy. But if you accept your misfortune and handle it right, your perceived failure can become a catalyst for profound reinvention.

No specific job or career goal defines me and it should not define you. In 2000, I told graduates to not be afraid to fail. And I still believe that. But today I tell you, whether you fear it or not, disappointment will come. The beauty is that through disappointment you can gain clarity. And with clarity comes conviction and true originality.

Conan O’Brien, 2011 Dartmouth College Commencement Address

Amen, Conan.
Shit is looking 20-20 from here.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


When you come home really late at night
Ripe to pick a fight
I know just the kind you'd like
So come on and bite

Monday, June 13, 2011

Why some breakups are good for you.

I'll let the pictures do the talking.


So this was us before.... aka circa "insekta" aka that time we thought we were just supposed to be supportive little girlfriends and "acquire" the taste for rock music cuz we were obedient like that:

Obviously, back in those days, we weren't allowed to put makeup on lest we be called "sluts" or social climbers (cuz being conscious of how we looked back then was blasphemous to the scene we were in) so we didn't really have much practice then.

So when it was finally over and done with and they had up and left:

*cue When It's Over by Sugar Ray*

We let ourselves go.

And went buckwild with our magical mascara wands and pretty little dresses and pretty little high-heeled shoes and finally admitted to the world, "Yes. We love Usher. And Chris Brown. And Beyonce. And club music in general. Now let me two-step on over to the bar for another jagerbomb."

And learned that you don't need a man when you can make out with your own girlfriend and get drunk and she'll still be better to look at.

And that a good guy, though he may think you're the prettiest "sweat pants, hair tied, chillin' with no make-up on," will still appreciate it when you get all dolled up.

And that you don't have to be ashamed for wanting to love and be loved. Even if you seem to be going about it the wrong way. You'll get it right.

So here's to my girl, Beverly... and to all of my other girlfriends whose stories inspire me (whenever we have those deep girl talk type talks) and who love me... false lashes and all. =)

And this was the song we used to play on loop in her car on our way to the club:

Sunday, June 12, 2011


I forgot to bring a camera so thank you CAMERA CAPO.

And this just goes to show that even the fellas like to dougie on the ledge for the ladies:

Thursday, June 9, 2011


If everyone had been in love all time… in a constant dopamine plateau, teetering on the edge of your mind and the sound your heart makes when the phone is just about to ring, plunging deep into your bed, arms wide open, ready for that invisible, invincible embrace, take me I’m yours and all in, looking up and into his eyes and my aren’t they just divine, praying a gazillion thanks, pressing lids, tears brimming, shivering up your spine and wishing he was IT, I’m done with all this shit, I’d totally give it all up, whispering promises and maybe compromises to the wind and under your breath and you swear you’ve never felt like this before, swearing, smiling, sighing (but the good kind), gushing with fruity tutti flavor, knowing that God exists because this whole falling in love thing can’t possibly be of this world, there’s just no way…

We’d have died as a species.




I don’t know exactly how that became a bad thing.




Though I don’t think we could have all that heaven on earth (because then it wouldn’t be called earth now would it? It would just be called heaven and we wouldn’t have to do sh*t anymore, we’d be like that girl in Lovely Bones only much happier).

Ok I don’t want to be that girl in Lovely Bones.

I would like a reason to be a smitten little kitten, though.


well well well wudya look at that... =)

CHECK IT OUT: Sari-Sari Sounds
(why we do what we do)

The Hangover Club <------------------- Uninhibited indeed. *tee-hee*

                                          In the booth looking helluh faded.

Tomorrow, recording with the Gringo boys for the Hangover Club (and I was like, "Who are they???") and they were like, Halik ni Gringo (this band) and I was like, aiiiiiight so long as they're fun.

Because meeting new people to drink with is fun.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Hoodies, scarves, portable umbrellas, socks, and actual pants...
For the cloudy skies
For the gray surroundings
For the cold nipping at your nose
For the stringy hair
And walking with a purpose amidst ditches and puddles.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Because it's Tuesday...

And because it's lovely to be wrapped around somebody's finger.


Thanks to my sister Veronica for lending me her ears and allowing me to listen vicariously through her youthful heart and the wisdom of her years and her newfound passion to digest all sorts of music, but definitely the ones that always make us love love... even more.

I say it's never too late to do everything you want. You just have to figure out what that "everything" is.

Sunday, June 5, 2011


To victims of abuse in all shapes and sizes;
of small and closed-mindedness;
of the self-righteous with a tiny sense of self-worth;
of the primitive and the shallow;
of the bystander effect;
of silence.

Now I hope that when you think about it, you realize you really should've said something.

Or gotten in there and smacked a b*tch. =)

Friday, June 3, 2011


Ok so I've been growing up with shih tzu's since I was 10 and they're just the awesomest little buggers ever. But alas, we already have like 15 dogs so we need to find these little guys a new home...

                      These two are GIRLS - 5k each. AREN'T THEY ADORABLE???!!!

So the one on the left and the middle are the girls, the one on the right (with the crazy eyes) is a BOY. He's only Php 4,500.

All three 2-month old puppies already have their shots, have been de-wormed and are already eating on their own. They don't have papers so if you're cool with just having a cutie little companion to walk around The Fort with and have no plans becoming some champion shih tzu breeder, then these puppies are IT.

PM if interested. =)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I just booked a date to meet up with the Civil Status Officer in Seychelles, Mr. Nigel Confiance. Everything's pretty straight forward and hassle free. Apparently that's how it really is in Seychelles. We plan on staying in Mahe island but we're still looking for a hotel. (doon naman kami nadale... the hotels are hella expensive) 

Anyways, so yes... i just confirmed to Mr. Nigel, June 24th is our date!!!! <3 You know what the cool part is? June 24th 2009 was the day i met Ben... (can i get an AWWWWWWWWWWW?) so yeah, we're getting married 2 years after we met... And i didn't even plan it. Just so happened i got 4 days off on those days and Ben has the weekend off as well. I say that's a good sign right? :) hehehe. 

So yeah that's the story. :) But if possible we'd like to keep everything on the down low. We want to save all the "congratulations" on the big day itself. (which is hopefully around April 2013) As for my Hen party..... hahahaha we'll pop some bottles on the 18th! <3 

Love you all so much! and i miss my sisters to pieces!!!! <3 

Love.... your sister with Chicken POX! 

Mika (ako nga ata talaga si Claire Danes sa little women) hahahahahha!



*takes deep breath*

Ma. Erika Callanta-Upson. *fights back tears*

I couldn't be any prouder.


To Mika,

I love you. Thank you for listening to all my sh*t growing up. Hell, thank you for putting up with my sh*t growing up ---- and up to now... sometimes. I just hope somehow, all the late nights I put you through just so I could rant to you about my love problems were not in vain... and that you learned to recognize and appreciate the love God meant for you. If not for your generous ear and open heart, Mika, I would not have known love the way, I'm sure, you know it now. =)

God is good and you are so blessed and my heart is truly bursting with joy. So much so, I think I need a drink. Hahahahaha!


Ate Mitch.

PS. I'm also happy you finally learned to make fun of yourself... after all the times I've bullied and made fun of you... Beth! Who's getting married in AFRICA! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

And this song is for you and Ben:

What tarot card are you?

You are The Devil

Materiality. Material Force. Material temptation; sometimes obsession

The Devil is often a great card for business success; hard work and ambition.

Perhaps the most misunderstood of all the major arcana, the Devil is not really "Satan" at all, but Pan the half-goat nature god and/or Dionysius. These are gods of pleasure and abandon, of wild behavior and unbridled desires. This is a card about ambitions; it is also synonymous with temptation and addiction. On the flip side, however, the card can be a warning to someone who is too restrained, someone who never allows themselves to get passionate or messy or wild - or ambitious. This, too, is a form of enslavement. As a person, the Devil can stand for a man of money or erotic power, aggressive, controlling, or just persuasive. This is not to say a bad man, but certainly a powerful man who is hard to resist. The important thing is to remember that any chain is freely worn. In most cases, you are enslaved only because you allow it.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.