***That is why I can honestly say, my most passionate and creative poems and letters (regardless of whether they were actually good or not, haha), as well as their abundance and my obsessive/compulsive need to put them down, be it on paper, napkin, post-it, index card, or even sheets of cartolina paper taped to my bright pink wall... came from when I was living inside a 6 x 8 foot bedroom under the stairs of my college dormitory... aptly named "Calma."

I was 18.
Ten years, 3 jobs, 3 promotions, 1 child, and almost 3 loving anniversaries later, I see that the city doesn't give you room for solitude. But at least I was blessed to have had that time in my life, to have had the luxury of solitude, because I don't think I'd have become a good a partner or mother or as good a person to share my life with... if I hadn't chosen to live in that room for 3-years and to realize that that was all the space I needed to be happy. Even if I was just being emo most of the time. =)
And I'm happy I was able to commemorate that time in a notebook... which I put inside a box along with some other personal stuff and which I assigned to my sister to give to Psyche when she was 18 (the same sister who sent me the link to this insightful video)... the same sister who also decided to go through the box and my notebook the other day...
Because she's a douche. =P
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