After attending yet another beautiful and somewhat though understandably over-emotional wedding last Saturday, I had a few epiphanies about marriage in general:
- Denzel was right. "A happy wife IS a happy life." Though the father of the groom did state it much more cleverly, "The key to a happy marriage: first, make your wife THINK she has her way. Then, let her have it." (Right Waff? Thanks for letting me have the cake design I wanted, hahahaha!)
- For all of the speeches on loving each other despite the trials and tribulations that WILL come in any marriage, I just think... after 50-60-70 years... in the "lifetime" couples promise to love and remain with one another... it's important that... after all that time has passed, they can still find things to LIKE about each other. (Ie. I will always like Pao's breakfast meals. They always seem to taste better than mine when he cooks it.)

And just last night, I asked my brilliant daughter why she loves me. Matter-of-factly, she answered, "Because you like me. You play with me. You watch with me. You talk with me. We sing. We dance."
It made me realize (and to never forget) that it's one thing love someone... it's another thing to actually LIKE them.
- There will always be other people who will think your spouse is AWESOME and won't be afraid to let you know that. It can be a little intimidating what with all the tempting things in this world. But I finally realized that you should Eat. That. Sh*t. Up. You shouldn't be the only person in the world to admire your partner... and to let him/her know it. And once you welcome that, then I suppose that's when the you can turn insecurity into straight. up. pride. (If your partner decides to give in though... that's a whole 'nother story... one that involves pullin' a lorena bobbit.)
It's weird now really. As much as I'd like to throw a production of a wedding for mine (and it'll probably still be knowing how much of a practical perfectionist I am)... I'm just happy I'm married. Like f*cking LE SIGH to that sh*t. I'm just f*cking happy (and yeah, a little bit relieved that the search is over and what not) that I'm married to this guy who's just awesome in every way and I'm not even gonna front cuz even GUYS come up to tell me how awesome he is. LIKE STRAIGHT GUYS. Straight guys telling me HOW HANDSOME HE IS AND HOW LUCKY I AM. Even my ex has somewhat of a weird crush on him, telling me how blessed Psyche and I are for him. Sure it isn't like I'm all goo-goo ga-ga about it all the time and sure, he annoys me in many ways... it doesn't even matter cuz the fact of the matter is... God was looking out for me and Psyche when He gave us Pao. And no wedding is going to make that any clearer than the blessing already is to me.
Even God knows that there are just some things that are better than a Hallelujah sometimes.
Buuuuuuuuuuut we'll still have a wedding anyway, hahahaha! We just wanna spend money and f*cking party. =P (I think God knows that, too, and He's totally cool with it. =)
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