10mins before 2010...
I will shed a tear for all the things... people I lost.
And smile...
For all the things... people I gained. Because seriously... God IS good. And we should never lose sight of THAT.
***If I can't have you, let love set you free to fly your pretty wings around.
(We love you, Mark Reyes.)
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
This made me cry... because...
I remember her oh so well.
I remember her oh so well.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Gosh "The One" where the Hell are you already! Sheesh! Homegirl needs some help over here!!!
Ok, no I don't need help. Seriously. Just a friend... and someone to split the bill with or he could shoulder like 75%... and likes that I write for a living and actually READS some of my stuff... someone I can kiss and hug and sleep with and f*ck on occasion ON COMMAND and is completely acquiescent when it comes to all the lovey dovey things that I want and understands when I'm not in the mood for anything except to watch Law and Order and eat potato chips... and let's me ramble about the mundane and the not-so-mundane but also knows when to shut me up with his insights and his looks. Because when you're THAT good, you can get me by just a look. And no, I don't need a baby daddy but loving my daughter as if she were your own is the absolute MINIMUM of this relationship.
(entry dated July 19, 2009)

He found me. The aforementioned friend I needed...
it seems...
he shoulders more than 75% of the bill on most days. *blush*
Ask and you shall receive, bitches. (HAHAHAHAHA, that was so out of place but I just felt like saying it like that. =)
I stumbled upon the abovementioned realization as I was tracking a specific user (a blast from the not-so-pleasant past) who apparently has been keeping the occasional tabs on me and can't seem to get it around her ugly little head that "stalking" should be done with ninja-like sneaky precision.
Girls can be so stupid. Ugh.
Ok, no I don't need help. Seriously. Just a friend... and someone to split the bill with or he could shoulder like 75%... and likes that I write for a living and actually READS some of my stuff... someone I can kiss and hug and sleep with and f*ck on occasion ON COMMAND and is completely acquiescent when it comes to all the lovey dovey things that I want and understands when I'm not in the mood for anything except to watch Law and Order and eat potato chips... and let's me ramble about the mundane and the not-so-mundane but also knows when to shut me up with his insights and his looks. Because when you're THAT good, you can get me by just a look. And no, I don't need a baby daddy but loving my daughter as if she were your own is the absolute MINIMUM of this relationship.
(entry dated July 19, 2009)
He found me. The aforementioned friend I needed...
it seems...
he shoulders more than 75% of the bill on most days. *blush*
Ask and you shall receive, bitches. (HAHAHAHAHA, that was so out of place but I just felt like saying it like that. =)
I stumbled upon the abovementioned realization as I was tracking a specific user (a blast from the not-so-pleasant past) who apparently has been keeping the occasional tabs on me and can't seem to get it around her ugly little head that "stalking" should be done with ninja-like sneaky precision.
Girls can be so stupid. Ugh.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
“There are two varieties of betrayal. The first one, everyone is familiar with. That is the betrayal of a moment, the impulsive act that destroys years of trust in one fell strike. That is the suddenly revealed secret, the sudden uncharacteristic infidelity. Everyone has heard stories about that kind of betrayal. The other kind is harder to identify and perhaps even more damaging. It is betrayal via accumulation, and neither party – the betrayer or the betrayed – may be aware of it, at least not at first. Even in the end, after the damage is apparent, they still may not be aware of it as betrayal, but betrayal it is. Accumulation. An accumulation of moments, or perhaps more accurately, an erosion of promises. In artists, it may be the betrayal of their talent: day after day, spurning their muse, postponing their art, until nothing is left but the ashes of possibilities. In lovers, it happens when one listens to the other voices. Little annoyances, perhaps, little fears. There is a true pure voice that runs under a true love, I believe – otherwise, it is merely the satisfaction of impulses, romantic or lustful. But everyone has doubts. All loves, true or not, have troubles. It may be that your lover truly is not the one for you, and a leavetaking is in order. But it may also be that you are swallowing daily doses of a poison. Betrayal happens. It happens because you are weak.”
...I needed a reminder.
...I needed a reminder.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
THIS IS WHAT RESPLENDENT HAIR LOOKS LIKE ------------------------------->
Update: Danee won the costume party as URSULA.
Maybe... Chaoku Spray Hair really is the way to go. =P
(Chad and Danee made her costume while Leo De Castro did makeup and hair. =)
Cuz we take our contests SERIOUSLY. =p
I don't know how this passed customs or how the department of... I dunno... health??? allowed this to product to actually make it to our department store shelves so poor, unassuming customers ---- LIKE OUR EDITORIAL ASSISTANT DANEE ---- would buy it.
Like. Seriously.
(This sh*t made me laugh like CRAZY though. =)
****Note: Everything in italics, I typed in AS IS. And I mean, AS HOW I READ IT ON THE GODDAMN THING. So I suggest you READ THAT SH*T OUT LOUD.
So without further ado...
CHAOKU: Colour Spray Hair
Product Description:
With the design of the uper ages make show the hair to become resplendent and multicolored immediately send out the ray of light of the diamond sort and fix the hair style, moistenning the hair. Let the advanced hair color in your jet go together with the underclothing, much make your life more many adopted.
Operation method: Using the front must is well this article shake the, then fuck the hair spray for good. Can use a the sort shampooes cleaning.
Easy !Spraying the hour neighborhood can't use clear fire or smokings, doing not want to be at the temperature over 50.C environment next usage, doing not want will spray the liquid eye last. the product should place at the place that child can not touch.
(Let's just hope that Danee's hair doesn't fall out after using this, hahahahahaha!!!)
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Honestly... all I want is to be with these three crazy/beautiful ladies for Christmas. =(
I miss my sisters. (Even Roni sometimes, because driving to Fairview is a B*TCH)
For those who aren't close to their siblings... y'all should really make an effort. They may actually be the "bestfriend" you've been looking for. I know these three will be my bestest and closest friends EVER, no matter what happens... or how many times my heart is broken, or how many times I'm annoyed at my parents, or how many times I falter and fail and fuck up. (Ok, maybe not Paula because she and I were raised to have two of the most opposing views as far as sisters are concerned and because I was never cool enough to be her friend --- LOL! --- but I totally love her. HAHAHAHAHA!!!)
All I know is that I'd walk thru Hell and back and back again for these three.
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