PREACH. IT!!!!!! Shit. High-five man! Sheesh! I am so in love with this fucking line. It is a POWER. LINE. God. (Baby. Are you reading this? You are a fucking genius.) I love what you said. So much.... I wanna make love to it. Yeah. That's it. I wanna make love to this brilliant fucking insight and have babies with it. I want more brilliant baby insights.
Jeez fucking louise.
(Then aforementioned genius boyfriend whose brilliant insights I would want to have babies with continues on by saying...)
"I want to and will try my best to be the one for you. You and Psyche. Or at least to be who and what i can be and hope that it will be deserving enough for you to choose me to be "the one". Although i have apprehensions in believing in the intangible aspect of having someone out there - one specific person in the whole melting pot - as "the one" who has been made for and destined to be perfect for you since the dawn of life, do know that i believe that (as with love) "the one" is a choice. A mold that we have and how people will try to fit into that mold, or at least close to it. And how we will also adjust THAT mold along the way, as we experience life and other people.
All until we find someone that fits well into the mold because we actually adjusted it for them...because we want them to fit. And without any effort nor struggle. It's a choice we make. How one chooses to try to be the one, and how the other chooses to accept the former as such."
Today is my first "monthsary" with my boyfriend.
I know.
It is stupid.
And I. don't. care.
Because I am FUCKING elated. And I take great pride and joy in the triviality of that stupid announcement.
Because he and I reached one month together. One beautiful month. And I waited to have this month happen. To have more months happen the way this past month happened. And I am not sorry. And I am relieved. And I am grateful. And I am secretly patting myself on the back and whispering under my breath, "Good job, Michelle! You are fucking awesome, and one lucky little slizzle."
And I know I owe my lovestory.
And I'll get to it. I promise.
***I have a crush on him in this picture ----------------------------->
Yeah. =P
But right now, I just want to live my lovestory a little longer before I have to sit down without him just to write about him and me.
Right now... I just want to share how happy I am.
I hope that's ok.