Monday, July 28, 2008


For as far as I can recall, I have always been called a slut.

Well, maybe not until I arrived in the Philippines from the States that I became much more acquainted with and accustomed to the word. Slut. It began when I was 13. I was a slut for wanting to play hide-and-seek with boys. I was a slut for having grown up with male cousins and their male friends thus my natural propensity to want to be around the male species. I was a slut for being pretty. I was a slut for having long, curly brown hair and pale skin. I was a slut for looking like sex goddesses Amanda Page and Thalia at such a tender age. I was a slut for being well-endowed and mature-looking. I was a slut for being precocious. I was a slut for speaking with a twang. I was a slut for having been raised in a Western country.

It was already beginning to sound so Third World.

In highschool, I was a slut for being popular. I was a slut because I colored my hair GOLD in a catholic school. I was a slut because I liked changing my hair-do. I was a slut because I was vocal and opinionated and liberal. And yes, I was a slut because break-ups never fazed me. I was a slut for having this superhuman ability to move on quickly.

In college, I was a slut because I was a loner. I was a slut for not hanging out with my other freshie dorm buddies. I was a slut because I wasn’t afraid to speak to my professors on an intellectual level. I was a slut because I smoked and drank. I was a slut because I loved to dance. I was a slut because I held a firm belief that wearing shorts to class was only appropriate attire for tropical countries. I was a slut because men enjoyed talking to me about their problems over a drink. I was a slut because I didn’t have a steady boyfriend. I was a slut because no one wanted to take me seriously. I was a slut because I was always a mistress. I was a slut for believing that he’d leave her. I was a slut because I never gave up hope.

And the more I heard it, the more I became it. I was a slut because they said I was. And it was getting harder and harder to disprove it. Because you realize that you can’t disprove it. Because morals are relative. And you can’t please everybody. And you can’t punch everyone who calls you a slut in the face. It’ll only wear you out. And you will lose. Because everyone’s a critic. I learned that the hard way.

My dad says, “After you sleep with someone, all you need to do is take a shower, and it’ll come right off.”

God help those who have things and people they can’t just shower off themselves.

I’d rather be assumed a nice, intelligent, well-accomplished slut than an unintelligent, classless, pretentious carpetbagger.

But that’s just me.


  1. w0w.... u have a great dad to tell that to u. nice post, mich~! as always, u never cease to be honest as possible.

    ur not a slut, FYI. they're just jealous. bwahahahaha~!
    they die to be like u~! how tragic cuz there's only one michelle like u.

  2. funny thing is...

    i never got paid. hahahahahaha!

    yeah, my dad's a trip. he's the coolest person ever.

  3. I love it... i love your dad too! people are judgmental at the end of the day we face the consequences of our own actions alone so does it matter what others might say about us? hehe oh i need advise we need to talk in private. lol

  4. oh sure love. i would like to see you too. =)

  5. neeeeeeecoooooooole!!!!! i miss you. i miss being awkward. awkward is fun. i don't think you can be a slut if you're awkward. hahahaha!!!

  6. yah let me know when are you free...

  7. well... if being a slut is having done all of the above...

    then i guess i am. hahahahaha!!!!

  8. this is not true!!! hndi ka SLUT... =)

  9. aina: o sige na. di nako slut. malandita lang. =P

    judy: you wanna borrow the quote? go ahead. =P

  10. thanks! it just suits right in ;p

    for some reason, I like the idea of being called a slut. I think people call you that because they see that you can do the things that they cannot do. ;-)

  11. ****Just want to give props to a very cool dad.

    He called me earlier and talked to me about my sister... that she was being labeled a slut by other people. Naturally, I was very empathetic since (as you can already deduce by the essence of this blog), not alot of people know what they're actually thinking when they label someone. (Yes, this too is a failure on my part).

    My dad --- being the awesome, liberated man that he is, said something like this:

    "I'm a very liberated guy. I mean, I don't ask you if you're still a virgin. Besides, who's a virgin these days? Not even your conservative ate was able to avoid an ectopic pregnancy. Alam nyo, pag ginawa nyo yun, iligo nyo lang yan, tanggal na agad yan."

    And it's conversations like that that makes me love and respect him so.

    Can y'all say the same for your dads? =P

  12. i suppose so.

    being labeled a "slut" goes beyond it's denotative meaning.

    being a slut connotes that the woman is no longer tied by the bonds of society... that she is coming out of her sheltered being, exploring her sexuality, pushing her limitations, reassessing her decisions. she begins to live for herself and appreciates the freedom of being able to discover her own self.

    even if she fails. even if she has her heart broken a million times over.


    of course, i'm over-romanticizing. in the end... being a slut is still not a socially acceptable, highly regarded label to revere. =)

  13. god...ur a genius... hehe... well mannered's pretty obvious..

  14. no. cuz of my dad, my bro took his life. my dad is a tard.

  15. hai. i really hate those who just go with their perception without even making an effort to know the person well.

    in the end, the ones who were judged turn out to be on top of everybody.

  16. i'm so sorry to hear that. really, i am...

  17. veyn: *blush* i'm no genius. i'm a slut, remember? hahahaha!

    liverty: don't worry... i'm a sociologist. they're just labels. and no matter how good you are, your deviant behavior will always be your master status. i've already reconciled that. even so, you can't let it get you down. esp. if it's not true. for those who have also reconciled within themselves that, yes, they ARE sluts... then there really is no point in rubbing it in any further. besides, at the end of the day, you make your own bed. =)

  18. the sluttiest WOMAN inside a sensual, steamy body and cerebral mind that encompasses many related abilities, such as the capacities to reason, to plan, to solve problems, to think abstractly, to comprehend ideas, to use language, and to LEARN.
    --the first time i met you, i just knew how luminous you can beam. i heart you--

  19. WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! --- slut na may identity crisis. o kaya na may multiple personality disorder. =P

  20. WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! --- slut na may identity crisis. o kaya na may multiple personality disorder. =P

  21. WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! --- slut na may identity crisis. o kaya na may multiple personality disorder. =P

  22. ANG LABO TALAGA NG INTERNET! ***I ended up "accidentally" copy/pasting my entire blog as a reply THREE FRIGGIN' TIMES! Hence the three "Comment deleted at the request of the author."



    Nicole: You mean a slut with a multiple personality disorder??? Hahahahahahaha!!! Slut na, psycho pa!

    Rash: *blush* ---- Stardust ito. =)

  23. Shet oo nga. Tapos awkward na to be awkward. Hahahahaha. Ang labo.
